People tend to do the most damage during the holiday season. Despite people’s best intentions, the last 2-3 months of the year can test even the most disciplined dieter.
On average, people gain 2-5 pounds during the last months of the year. This might not seem like a big deal, but research suggests that weight gain during the holidays can last a lifetime.
Here are some things you can do to prevent gaining weight this holiday season.
Prevent Holiday Weight Gain – 11 Tips
1. Work your discipline muscle. Do you need to eat till you’re painfully full? It makes you miserable and tired.
2. Avoid generic foods at holiday parties—foods like chips, cheese, and crackers. You can eat those any day of the year. Go for homemade dishes or food that only gets put out on Thanksgiving or Christmas.
3. If you know the Christmas party will be on a Tuesday, keep your diet dialed the weekend before and workout leading up to the day.
4. Be picky – if it’s not worth your calories, don’t eat it. There’s a lot of cheap chocolate this time of year. Keep your standards high and hold out for the good stuff.
5. Drink more water – we eat more, have less energy, and feel more bloated when we aren’t fully hydrated. Aim for half of your weight in ounces of water a day.
6. Limit alcohol – It’s not necessarily what you drink; it’s what you eat when you drink. After a few drinks, you stop caring about your diet. Plus, after a big night of drinking, you’re more likely to skip your workout and eat more processed food.
7. Workout – even if it’s 20 minutes. A short workout is better than nothing and still has tremendous health benefits. Click Here for a quick workout you can do anywhere.
8. Use smaller plates, and don’t go back for seconds. Do you need a second serving?
9. Don’t stand by the food at the party. You’re more likely to pick at the food when you hang out by the food. Eating a few bites here and there might seem minor, but it can add up to thousands of calories.
10. Go for a walk before or after a big meal. Walking will improve digestion, curb appetite, give you energy, and burn calories.
11. Bring a healthy dish to share, like this Healthy Fall Salad. This way, you can guarantee you’ll have something healthy to eat.
Bottom Line
Instead of trying to be “perfect,” acknowledge there are more tempting foods around this time of year, and life is more hectic. A few holiday parties and meals with family and friends won’t completely undo months of hard work and consistency.
Getting off track with your diet and workouts is okay, but don’t completely throw in the towel. If you do that, you’ll enjoy yourself more and have no trouble surviving the holidays.
If you need accountability this holiday season, I have a few personal training spots open or an online accountability program that offers weekly check-ins and coaching to help you stay on track. Click Here for more details, or reach out to me.